Conversations with Jesus Week 5

Conversations with Jesus Week 5:  The Rich Kid

Small Group Discussion Guide 

Opening Prayer
- Begin with a prayer asking for wisdom, open hearts, and guidance as the group reflects on the message of the Rich Young Ruler.

- Question: If you could ask Jesus one question, what would it be and why?

Scripture Reading
- Read Mark 10:17-22 aloud as a group.
- Optional: Read John 3:16, Matthew 7:21-23, and Ephesians 2:8-9 for cross-references.

Discussion Questions

Understanding the Passage
1.Context: Discuss the setting of the encounter between Jesus and the rich young ruler. Why do you think the ruler approached Jesus?
2. Commands:Why did Jesus list the commandments related to social conduct first? What was the significance?
Reflecting on Wealth and Priorities
3. Personal Reflection: The sermon states, “Wealth can be an obstacle to following Jesus.” Share a time when material possessions influenced your faith journey.
4. Idols in Our Lives: Reflect on the statement: “We all have at least one god, that is not God.” What are some modern-day "gods" or idols that people may struggle with?
Spiritual Insights
5. Faith and Actions: Discuss the phrase, “We are called to do good works because we are believers, but we are not saved by those works.” How does this align with your understanding of faith and works?
6. Eternal Life Now: The sermon mentions, “Eternal life is not something we get when we die.” How can we experience eternal life today? What does that look like in practical terms?

Personal Application
7. One Thing Lacking: Jesus told the young ruler that he lacked one thing. What is "one thing" in your life that might be keeping you from fully following Jesus?
8. Boldness in Faith: Are you bold enough to do what Jesus asks today? Share what steps you might take to align more closely with Jesus’ call.

Reflection Activity
- Ask group members to spend a few minutes in silent prayer, asking God to reveal any areas of their life that need change or surrender.

Closing Prayer
- Conclude with a prayer asking for strength and courage to remove obstacles that prevent us from fully following Jesus and to be "sold out followers" as mentioned in the sermon.

Optional Follow-Up
- Encourage participants to journal during the week on how they see God working in the area discussed.
- Suggest a follow-up meeting to discuss any changes or realizations they may have experienced since the initial discussion.

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